
Brush it, brush it real good

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Ooh baby, baby
Baby, baby
Ooh baa...  Oh Hi Guys!

Love that song and can't get it out of my head all day, instead of push it we sing brush it lol love a bit of Salt-n-Pepa ;), anyways that gets me on to the topic of make up brushes. Over the last few weeks I have been asked so much on what make-up brushes I use and what I would recommend.

Ok... so In my opinion no matter if you're a makeup artist or a plain Joe soap like me and love makeup, everyone needs to invest in good brushes, they will last you a lifetime if you look after them right and they are an essential necessity to creating a flawless look.

It took me ages to find the right brushes, I used to only use M.A.C brushes because.. well just because they were M.A.C but to be honest there is better out there and they're not going to cost you an arm and a leg like M.A.C, I stopped buying their brushes because I found they would shed like hell after I would wash them and that really annoys me.

So I went on the search for a new brush brand and that's when I came across Zoeva Cosmetics, guys these brushes are life, I LOVE them so much and they are so soft it makes blending a dream. They are literally the only brushes I use now. These brushes are amazing, they have natural and synthetic taklon bristles and are super soft but the best thing of all is the price they are not expensive which is surprising due to the quality. The first set I got was a Christmas present and oh lord when I opened them and seen the Rose gold I died a lil inside, it included 8 gorgeous brushes and were about €75.

I went and bought another full set because I was obsessed with them which included 15 beautiful rose gold brushes for €130 I KNOW its ridiculous and before you start thinking awh here this one is sponsored for giving this review I am 100% not I bought these brushes with my own money and have no dealings with the company I just Love these brushes.

Lets take a minute to appreciate how beautiful these brushes are................

So I have these brushes well over a year if not longer and have washed them numerous times and they haven't shed once, the handles haven't come loose like some brushes do after you wash them and use them continuously, they are still like new and the rose gold is still perfect and hasn't scratched.

You can buy these brushes off direct or you can buy them off You can buy individual brushes or you can buy them in full sets and they have the nicest sets which come in some amazing colors, their latest set is gold and I really want them, but I will be tripling up on the same brushes, so I don't know what to do. They have a great selection of brushes and one brush can be used for so many different things so you dont have to go over the top and go mad on buying loads of different ones.

Also guys this company does a range of makeup, they have eye shadow palettes, blush palettes eyeliners etc, I haven't tried them yet but I have heard some great reviews on them.

Let me know if you have Zoeva brushes what you think of them, oh and if you tried any of their makeup products Id love to know your thoughts. Oh and remember girls.... "brush it real gooood" haha

Love Claire xxx

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